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In addition to showing up for the members at unit meetings (scheduled where you work, and when you work - including off-site locations and at shift change for the shift workers among the membership), executive meetings, and general meetings, as a steward I was the first point of contact for members who had questions or concerns about their rights and entitlements under the Collective Agreements. I have also been a long-standing member of the JHSC - advocating for the safety of our members.


I support and assist with the Local's events - such as the Family Picnic, Labour Day Parade, and various fundraisers, as well as the committee events - such as Pride & Petals, International Women's Day Event, Tears to Hope etc.


I show up for members  - when and where needed! 


See below for some additional ways I have been involved in supporting and fighting for our members.

Tears to Hope Relay

Unifor National asked our local to host a Hamilton event for the Tears to Hope Relay happening all across Canada, in support of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls. 


Women's Conference

Once again, I attended the Women's Conference at Unifor's Family Education Centre in Port Elgin. We heard from special panels, keynote speakers, and participated in small group reflection walks and discussions. This photograph is of me and Gina Smoke after completing the MMIWG2S reflection walk and discussion

Canadian Council

I recently attended, as an elected delegate, Unifor's 2024 Canadian Council. We voted on important resolutions and National President Lana Payne's recommendations for important areas of focus for the year ahead.

Picture is of me and Lana Payne, Unifor National President, and a group of other inspiring Unifor women!



Canada's Wonderland

Photo with Samia Hashi Ontario Regional Director attending Unifor Day at Canada's Wonderland

Fighting on the Picket Line

Bombardier went on strike in 2024 and put a call out for help holding the picket line while they held a ratification vote.


Pride & Petals

The Pride Committee hosted their second annual event - a Family-Friendly garden tea party themed event. My daughter and I helped set up and work the event, and it was a great success. I was behind the lens, so a picture from the event instead.

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