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I am experienced, trained, involved, and will fight for you! I have a long history of involvement and leadership with the Union and a unique level of experience, having been both the Vice-President and the Unit 1 Vice-Chairperson, to bring to the Unit 1 Chairperson role. I would be honoured to once again have your vote and to continue being a powerful voice for you! 

​​I successfully negotiated multiple Collective Agreements, with only improvements - including major wage increases for our members.  I have been supporting, protecting, and fighting for Unit 1 members at ALL locations on a full-time basis for more than 4 years. 


Questions? Email me at

VOTE Meghan Forbes

for Unit 1 Chairperson

Experienced. Trained. Involved.



As the current Vice-President of the local and former Unit 1 Vice-Chairperson, I have a unique experience to bring to the Unit 1 Chairperson position.



  • Combined Hons BA - English & Multimedia (McMaster University)

  • Coverage for the Unit 1 Chairperson

  • Workplace Investigation Fundamentals

  • Grievance Handling

  • Arbitration for Leadership

  • ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

  • SafeTalk

  • Human Rights



I show up for the members - when and where needed. From Unit Update Meetings at the hospitals and satellite campuses, to late night update meetings with members that work shifts. I attend and report at Executive Meetings - informing the local's executive board of the issues, concerns, and feedback from the members in the Unit, report at the General Meetings - informing the membership of what's happening in their Unit and providing transparency to what I am doing for,  and how I am serving, the members.

Vote for Experience! Unit 1 Experience advocating for you!

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